Starting a new blog which I hope to update regularly, though I doubt I will due to my lack of updates in the past. Anyway, I haven't been working on too much lately, still deciding on the color for the Trust graphic, and I might want to redo it altogether.

I've also been working on some random titles, splashes, etc. to get more experience in PaintDotNet. Most of them are pretty crappy, but I want to get my skill up a little more so I can think about starting or joining a graphics shop (seeing The Graphics Bunker has got me thinking, though I doubt Hyde currently needs help or that I'm good enough to post an application to join him) Anyway, here's everything that I've made in the past two days.

This was a request that I did for a friend who has this bad habit of choosing subjects that are really hard to draw on a touchpad. XD. The rest are just random things I did for imaginary games.